Welcome to Registration for the Greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District

If you move into our district over the Summer please register as soon as possible to get the best selection of courses! Summer office days are Monday - Thursday 8 am - 3 pm

Current 8th grade students ONLY interested in applying for a Magnet Program, you are in the wrong spot; click this link: Magnet Program Instructions

Regular registrations proceed below.

If you do not have the required documents, please email registration@gehrhsd.net.
For online registration you will be required to have the following documents:

Primary Documentation (one of these):
Property Tax Bill
Mortgage Document
Deed to Property
Lease (with student's name listed)
Affidavit of Residency, for a person without above documentation
Secondary Documentation (two of these):
Utility Bill
Personal ID
Voter Registration Card
Permits by a Government Entity
Financial Account/Banking Information
Business records/Document Issued by Government
Court Order
ALL of the following items must be uploaded to register online:
Guardian ID
Birth Certificate
Transfer Card
Immunization Records
For security purposes; please click on the Dog in order to proceed.